Hello and welcome to our Nursery class page!
Every class in school is named after an endangered animal and we are the Penguin Class.
Our class teacher is Miss Taylor and our TA is Mrs Wright.
We are looking forward to playing, teaching, learning and having fun with the children.
Our topic for this first half-term (Autumn 1) is “who is my family?”. We will be learning all about ourselves, our families and our home. In Autumn 2, our topic will be ‘why are we all the same but also different?’. We will be learning all about what makes us the same and what makes us unique. We will also be celebrating Diwali and Christmas.
25th September - Autumn WOW Day
26th September - European Languages Day
30th September to 18th October - Padley Harvest Collection
3rd October - Poetry Day
4th October - TTRS day
10th October - Hello Yellow Day
23rd October – Halloween WOW day
25th October - last day of term
5th November – children back to school
6th November – Diwali Wow Day