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Year 5

Hello and welcome to the Year 5 page!

We are so excited about all the fantastic things that we have planned this year! In Year 5, we have some exciting topics lined up, including South America and focusing on Brazil, Mayans, the Gunpowder Plot, Rainforests and the Great Plague.

In Science, we will be learning about reversible and irreversible changes, space, forces and the life cycles of plants and animals.

During year 5, we also participate in the Mini-Police programme and weekly swimming lessons - something we only do across the entire school!

With lots of hard work, enthusiasm and kindness to each other, we will have a very successful year in which the children will learn lots whilst smiling and making memories along the way!

Mr Welbourne and Mr Constantinou

Dates for your diary

6th January - Spring term begins – children back in school

9th January - Y5 WOW day - Space Planetarium

27th January - Non-uniform Day for Reading in School

W/B 3rd February - Children’s Mental Health Week

11th February - Internet Safety Day

14th February - School Closed – Inset Day

24th February - School re-opens

6th March - World Book Day

19th March - Science Day

W/B 24th March - Maths Week

2nd April - Parents Evening 4.00 – 7.00 p.m

3rd April - Parents Evening 4.00 – 7.00 p.m

4th April - School Closed – Inset Day

22nd April - School re-opens.