Levels of Support
What are the different types of support available for children with SEND at Longmoor Primary School?
Directly funded by the school:
- Experienced Teaching Assistants to support in each phase – Foundation stages One and Two, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.
- Early Years Teaching assistants who have Paediatric First Aid training
- Midday Supervisors with training in first aid, autism and epilepsy awareness.
- Support programmes in place such as Lexia, Mathletics, Acceleread/Accelerwrite, Physical literacy, Every Child a Talker etc.
Paid for centrally by the Local Authority but delivered in school:
- Autism Outreach Service
- Lead SEND officer
- Specialist Support Service for children with SEND (SSSEN)
- Speech and Language Therapy (provided by Health but paid for by the Local Authority)
Contracted in by school:
- Educational Psychology Service
- Behaviour Support Service
Provided and paid for by the Health Service (Derbyshire NHS Trust) but delivered in school:
- School Nurse
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy
Class teacher input via excellent targeted classroom teaching also known as Quality First Teaching.
For your child this would mean:
All children in school should be getting this as a part of excellent classroom practice when needed.
Specific group work with in a smaller group of children.
This group, often called Intervention groups by schools, means they have been identified by the class teacher as needing some extra support in school.
For your child this would mean:
This type of support is available for any child who has specific gaps in their understanding of a subject/area of learning.
Specialist groups run by outside agencies e.g Speech and Language therapy OR Occupational therapy groups
Individual support for your child means they have been identified by the classteacher/SENCO/Headteacher as needing some extra specialist support in school from a professional outside the school. This may be from a variety of outside agencies.
For your child this would mean:
This type of support is available for children with specific barriers to learning that cannot be overcome through Quality First Teaching and intervention groups.
Specified Individual support
This is usually provided via a GRIP or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).This means your child will have been identified by the class teacher/SENCO/Headteacher as needing a particularly high level of individual support which cannot be provided from the budget available to the school.
Usually your child will also need specialist support in school from a professional outside the school. This may be from a variety of outside agencies.
For your child this would mean:
This type of support is available for children whose learning needs are:
At least two years or more below that of their peers and the Local Authority along with relevant professionals agree that an EHCP or a GRIP is the appropriate way forward.
How is extra support allocated to children and how do they move between the different levels?
- The school budget, received from Derbyshire LA, includes money for supporting children with SEND.
- The Headteacher decides on the budget for SEND in consultation with the school governors, on the basis of needs in the school.
- The Headteacher and the SENCO discuss all the information they have about SEND in the school, including the children who receive extra support already, the children identified as needing extra support, the children who have been identified as not making as muc h progress as would be expected due to a variety of circumstances. They will then decide what resources / training and support is needed. All resources / training and support are reviewed regularly and changes made as necessary.