Online Safety
The Internet has become an integral part of children’s lives, enabling them to undertake research for school projects, talk to their friends and access information from around the world. Increasing provision of the Internet in and out of schools brings with it the need to ensure that learners are safe.
Internet development is constantly evolving into ever more innovative areas with many websites enabling amazing creativity and interaction between peers.
Unfortunately, though, there are times when Internet use can have a negative effect on children. Schools should be aware of the potential dangers taking measures to ensure safe usage by all.
This area of our school website is dedicated to helping users better understand the issues around online safety and manage the risks more effectively.
Teaching Safe Use of the Internet and ICT
We believe that it is crucial to teach pupils how to use the Internet safely, both at home and at school, and we use the Kidsmart safety code to support our teaching in this area:
Kidsmart has been developed by the Childnet charity and is endorsed by the DfES
The main aspects of this approach include the following five SMART tips:
- Safe - Staying safe involves being careful and not giving out your name, address, mobile phone no., school name or password to people online.
- Meeting someone you meet in cyberspace can be dangerous. Only do so with your parents'/carers' permission and then when they are present.
- Accepting e-mails or opening files from people you don't really know or trust can get you into trouble - they may contain viruses or nasty messages.
- Reliable - someone online may be lying and not be who they say they are. If you feel uncomfortable when chatting or messaging end the conversation.
- Tell your parent or carer if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried.
Our Online Safety Curriculum - These lessons are taught at the beginning of every half term.
- Online Safety Overview Year A
- Online Safety Overview Year B
- Overview
- FS and Year 1
- Year 2
- Year 3
- Year 4
- Year 5
- Year 6
Our Online safety teaching through 'Switched on Computing' units of work which are taught half termly.
Classroom Online Safety Posters
Letters sent home to Longmoor parents and carers about online safety.
- Facebook Letter to Y6 Parents and Carers.pdf
- Invite to Parent Information Session Letter.pdf
- Parent Information School Production Letter.pdf
- Parents guide to Fortnite.pdf
- What to be aware of (games).pdf
NSPCC Shareaware
Straightforward, no-nonsense advice will untangle the web, and show you how you can be just as great a parent online, as you are the rest of the time. The internet is a great place for children to be. Being Share Aware makes it safer.
Guide to internet safety and safe surfing for young people from Think U Know. Learn about online safety when using blogs, chatting and online gaming.
Works across the UK and maximises international links to tackle child sex abuse; includes information and advice for parents, news, and a facility to report abuse.
Childnet International is a registered UK charity that aims to make the internet a safe place for children and young people.
Learn about the internet and being a SMART surfer.
BBC - CBBC Stay Safe
Test your internet safety knowledge with Hacker, listen to some Stay Safe songs with Helen Skelton, News Kids On the Block and Bobby Lockwood and get some tips from the Horrible Histories gang.
Disney Online
Keep safe with Doug...find out lots of useful information!
If you have any concerns or worries about your child and online safety and would like further advice, please contact Miss Hughes or Mr Lyons, the school's online safety co-ordinators or speak to Mrs Dainty, Headteacher.
WHISPER - Anonymous Reporting Tool
Sometimes it is really hard to tell an adult if you feel like you are being bullied. That is why we have subscribed to WHISPER. It is an anonymous reporting tool which allows you or your child to report any incidents of bullying and cyber bullying in confidence.
Click on the web link below to fill in a report. It will then be emailed to Miss Hughes (Online Safety Coordinator). Messages are checked as often as possible. In order to resolve issues effectively and promptly, please include your name. This will be kept in the strictest of confidence.
WHISPER - Anonymous Reporting Tool
As part of our drive to raise the awareness of online safety, and to help our school community to become more responsible internet users, we have recently set up an online safety group. The group is made up of different stakeholders from Longmoor Primary School including, Senior Leaders, Teaching Staff, Support Staff, Parents, Governors and pupils.
There will be three meetings over the year, lasting no more than an hour after school on the following dates:
Tuesday 4th December 2018 at 3.30pm
Tuesday 12th February 2019 at 3.30pm
Tuesday 18th June 2019 at 3.30pm
- To use the wide and varied knowledge of others with different skills.
- To monitor the impact of online safety education and to identify and fill any gaps.
- To raise and manage new initiatives including annual initiatives such as anti-bullying week and Safer Internet Day.
- To monitor and review policies.
- To monitor incidents and establish the best way of dealing with them.
- To engage the community - working together to benefit all.
Members of our Online Safety Group
![]() Mrs S Dainty - Head Teacher / Child Protection |
![]() Mr R Wheatley - Safeguarding Governor / Chair |
![]() Miss A Hughes - KS2 Computing / Safety Coordinator |
![]() Mr Lyons - KS1 Computing Coordinator / Y2 Teacher |
![]() Mrs Tuck - EYFS Teaching Assistant |
![]() Mrs Mears - Teaching Assistant (awaiting photo) |
![]() Mr A Frost - Parent |
![]() Mrs Magee - Parent (awaiting photo) |
![]() Eleven pupils from Y5 and Y6 |