Year 2
Hello and welcome to the Year 2 page. We have an exciting year ahead with lots of fantastic topics in science, history and geography including; Britain's significant monarchs, methods of transport, life in Kenyan villages, famous black people that have improved the world and the seaside.
We can’t wait to get to know you all and we have planned some fantastic WOW days to get you really excited about your learning.
Mr Roper and Mr Lyons.
Important Dates
6th January - Spring term begins – children back in school
27th January - Non-uniform Day for Reading in School
W/B 3rd February - Children’s Mental Health Week
10th Februrary - Kenya Day
11th February - Internet Safety Day
14th February - School Closed – Inset Day
24th February - School re-opens
6th March - World Book Day
19th March - Science Day
W/B 24th March - Maths Week
24th March - Trip to Bournville Great Fire of London experience
2nd April - Parents Evening 4.00 – 7.00 p.m
3rd April - Parents Evening 4.00 – 7.00 p.m
4th April - School Closed – Inset Day
22nd April - School re-opens.
Home Learning Links
Usernames and passwords can be found in the front of your child's reading record.
TT Rockstars -
Mathletics -
EdShed (Spelling Shed) -