Year 5
Hello and welcome to the Year 5 page!
We are so excited about all the fantastic things that we have planned this year! In Year 5, we have some exciting topics lined up, including South America and focusing on Brazil, Mayans, the Gunpowder Plot, Rainforests and the Great Plague.
In Science, we will be learning about reversible and irreversible changes, space, forces and the life cycles of plants and animals.
During year 5, we also participate in the Mini-Police programme and weekly swimming lessons - something we only do across the entire school!
With lots of hard work, enthusiasm and kindness to each other, we will have a very successful year in which the children will learn lots whilst smiling and making memories along the way!
Mr Welbourne and Mr Constantinou
Dates for your diary
w/b 23rd September-Commando Joe week for Years 4,5,6
25th September - Brazil WOW Day for Year 5
26th September-European Languages Day
26th September-Macmillan Coffee Morning
30th September to 18th October-Padley Harvest Collection
3rd October-Poetry Day
4th October-TTRS day
10th October-Hello Yellow Day
25th October-Last day of term
4th November-INSET Day
5th November-First day of Autumn 2
Useful links for home learning
TT Rockstars -
Mathletics -
Spelling Shed -
All usernames and passwords can be found in the children's homework diaries.