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Longmoor Primary School

Lifelong Learners


Aladdin Trouble

Year 5/6 Production of Aladdin Trouble


Welcome to the exciting world of 1001 Arabian Nights, where the marvellous, panto-tastic Aladdin Trouble is set!


Scheherazade, our storyteller, launches us into a tale of good versus evil, a magical lamp, three wishes, witty banter and buffoonery and, of course, love conquering all. Aladdin Trouble features all of your favourite characters including the beautiful Princess Jasmine, the wicked Abanazar, the hilarious Widow Twankey and the fabulous Genie - and plenty more besides.

With a brilliant modern take on the original Aladdin script and 11 incredibly catchy songs, Aladdin Trouble will make you boo, hiss, laugh and cheer along to this rip-roaring musical.


