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  • Environmental Day 20th April 2015

    Mon 18 May 2015 Mrs Kirk

    Environmental Day 20th April 2015

    What an exciting day we had! The Recycling Roadshow truck from Derbyshire County Council and four members of staff came to join us and help us with our busy day.

    Our Year 5 children started off with finding out about the ‘Lifecycle of a Kettle!’ What happens when we no longer want our kettle? With the help of Emma the children found out how a kettle can be recycled.

    Year 3/4 spent the day investigating how plants grow. They looked at how compost is made with Anne, Derbyshire County Council’s ECO Officer, and planted some vegetable and herb seeds for planting out in the allotment later.

    Our younger children read the story of King Wastealot and found out what happens if we do not clear up after ourselves and the effect this can have on wildlife.

    Throughout the day various groups of children visited the Recycling Roadshow truck and found out some fascinating facts about rubbish. They also learnt about Derbyshire County Council’s kerbside recycling scheme and sorted rubbish into what could be recycled and what would need to be sent to landfill. At the end of the day many parents also visited the truck and found out how to reduce food waste.

    The afternoon finished off with a Dragon’s Apprentice for Y5/6. The children were given recycled objects and asked to promote them, thinking of the recycled materials they were made from and the benefit to the area where these products were made. The winners from each class faced a panel of Dragons; Miss Hurt, Mrs Brown, Mr Dilks and Emma who asked questions and decided on a winner.

    It was a very enjoyable day and hopefully it will make us all think a little more about what we throw away and maybe whether it can be recycled or put to a different use.
