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Longmoor Primary School

Lifelong Learners


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  • Intra School Football Championships

    Thu 28 Jul 2016 I. Bunhejee

    Year 3/4 and 5/6 Intra School Football Championships


    Over the last month boys and girls in the Juniors have been playing in a knock out football tournament. This lead to a Year 3/4 final and Year 5/6 final which were played on Thursday 21st July.

    Children and parents were invited to see both highly competitive matches.

    In the Year 5/6 final Cheerios eventually overcame Larry Dream Team 1:0 after extra time.

    While the Year 3/4 final was equally close between the Legends and The Dragons. The Legends turning out narrow 1:0 winners.

    Well done to all the children who took part in another fantastic end of year tournament.

  • Robin Hood and Sherwood Hoodies

    Mon 25 Jul 2016 J. Menzies

    Robin Hood and Sherwood Hoodies

    Our Year 5 and 6 put on another fabulous show last week.

    The Year 5 children supported by singing with real enthusiasm, whilst our Year 6 children took centre stage.

    The casting was brilliant and everyone got thoroughly involved in all aspects of the show.

    It was written beautifully, with so many terrible jokes that we hardly stopped giggling.  

    From the Sherwood villagers to  the beastly Sheriff of Nottingham, everyone was superb.

    The costumes, props and makeup were outstanding.

    The main characters of course stole the show.

    Well done to all involved and a huge 'thank you' to all of the staff for their hard work and vision.

  • Longmoor's Got Talent

    Wed 20 Jul 2016 J.Menzies

    Longmoor's Got Talent

    On Monday 18th July we held Longmoor's Got Talent.

    Over the last few weeks children have been performing in front of their class mates and all acts were judged. The most popular act went through to the finals.

    In all there were 11 acts, with the youngest children performing in the first half and the juniors in the second half.

    We had a wonderful diversity, from singing, to dance, to gymnastics.

    There was silence in the hall as we watched truly talented children.

    Parents were invited and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.

    Mrs Fitch(our Chair of Governors), Mr Dilks and myself were the judges. It was a very difficult task as everyone was brilliant.

    The winning act for the infants was 'The Sparks', with runners up 'Hard Knock Life'.

    The winning act for the juniors was 'Shooting Stars', with two runners up 'Spins' and 'Impossible'.

    It was a fantastic afternoon, which we all enjoyed.


  • The Ukulele Concert

    Mon 18 Jul 2016 J. Menzies

    The Ukulele Concert

    Year 5 children have been learning to play the ukulele all year. They have been taught by Mrs Hill and Miss Hughes, from the Derbyshire Music Partnership.

    On Friday 15th July they performed a number of songs that they had been learning all year. The performed Stand by Me, Lava, Smoke on the Uke and Do, Ray, Me. It was a wonderful concert, well attended by parents and grandparents.

    Some Year 6 children continued to learn the ukulele in Year 6. Jasmine and Anya performed the beginning of Stand by Me, with Year 5  joining in and they also gave a fantastic performance of The Mash Up, which was a combination of, Happy, All about the Bass and Shake it Off. Mrs Hills enjoyed performing with the girls and the whole hall exploded in to huge applause!

    Jack and Megan learned to play the flute and performed a duet for us, beautifully. We also had 5 pianists, who played a range of pieces on the piano. Daisy, Billie, James. Dylan and Abi have worked hard to play so well.

    The whole concert was a huge success and enjoyed enormously by everyone who attended.

    It never ceases to amaze me just how talented our children at Longmoor are.

  • Math's Day

    Mon 18 Jul 2016 J. Menzies

    Olympic Math's Day

    On Thursday 14th July the whole school got involved with maths based on the Olympic Games. From Nursery all the way up to Year 6 the children used their mathematical knowledge and learned new skills.

    There were target games, which required the children to work systematically, treasure hunts, which meant everyone was running around the school grounds looking for the next question or clue and investigations about how high people can jump! Year 3 to Year 6 children worked together across age groups, which was great to see.

    Our younger children counted in 2's, completed number hunts and found out about a range of shapes. Year 1 and 2 children enjoyed using the new markings on the playgroup to practise their skills.

    Lots of parents and grandparents joined the Junior children at 11 am, and had huge fun getting involved. I think some of them were exhausted after rushing around, keeping up.

    The whole day was brilliant and Mr Bunhejee finished it off with a  school assembly, where certificates were awarded for outstanding effort

    A huge ' thank you' goes to all of the staff that worked so hard to make it such an exciting day.

  • Art Week 2016.

    Wed 13 Jul 2016 G. Kirk

    Art Week 2016.

    This year we have worked with the RSPB to identify the wildlife and habitats which can be found on our school grounds. After much field work we wanted the children to express themselves through art and design.


    In preparation for Arts Week Year 3 children attended a 'clay workshop' at Wilsthorpe School, in their Art Department. They made clay snails, which were fired in their kilns and brought in to school for painting. This was great fun, as some of the Year 7 and 8 Wilsthorpe students came along to help. 


    As part of a joint project, Mr Fowler (Wilsthorpe art teacher) designed and built two sculptures of  huge 'ANTS' for our allotment. Miss Hughes' class were tasked with decorating both ants, they have been painted in a contemporary style and are striking; you certainly won't miss them in the allotment!


    Our youngest children in FS2 painted spiders and KS1 painted ants and dragon flies, that will be a part of the art installation in the allotment. Year 4 also designed and painted their own bugs and creatures, so look out for these. There are still a few projects to complete before the end of term, these include weaving from the nursery and a giant caterpillar that will be decorated by Year 5 and 6.


    Thank you to everyone in our community who has made a creation from wool, these will also be part of our installation - we will be 'yarn bombing!' This is the latest craze and here at Longmoor we wanted to be involved. If you haven't heard of it google 'yarn bombing' and you will be amazed.



  • Talented PE Event

    Mon 11 Jul 2016 Mr Roper and Children


    Talented PE Event.


    On Monday 11th of July, Mr Roper took us (Dylan, Ruben, Paige and Megan) to Derby University for a Talented PE Event.

    We arrived at 10am and our first activity was Badminton. This session was to improve our skills for the game and we learned that in order to play the game well, we need to communicate with our team members, don’t rush in to shots and to concentrate and watch the shuttlecock; at all times. It was great fun!


    Our next activity was Assessing our Health, Strength and Flexibility. We took part in a number of tasks including: Assessment of Flexibility, Grip Strength, ‘Star Tracer’ to assess hand-eye coordination, ‘Spot jumping’ to assess our agility and finally an assessment of lung function; to see how strong our lungs are.


    At lunch time, Ruben led us to the centre of the rugby pitch, where we had our packed lunch. We were having a lovely time until a wasp scared Mr Roper and we had to go back inside!!! Poor Mr Roper.


    In the afternoon, we took part in two further activities to test our speed and power. First, we took it in turns to run as fast as we could for ten metres, which was recorded using a special laser stop watch. Dylan ran it in 2.1 seconds, Paige in 1.9 seconds, Megan in 2.0 seconds and Ruben in 2.0 seconds.

    Next, we tested our power by jumping using different strategies to see how high we could jump.


    We had a fantastic day and enjoyed the experience very much.

    We would love to go again.


    Paige, Dylan, Ruben and Megan

  • Longmoor's Summer Fair.

    Sun 10 Jul 2016 J. Menzies

    Longmoor's Summer Fair.


    We woke up on Saturday morning to torrential rain, but being British we made the decision to carry on with the fair and go to plan B, setting up inside.

    By 12 noon the rain had stopped  and people began to come. It was amazing how much support we had.

    The face painters had the longest queue ever!

    We had Bricks4Kidz, hook a duck, splat a rat and many other games. The raffle went well and the new fangled scooter was won by one of the Vibz fundraisers, she was thrilled.

    We sold crafts, books, DVDs and of course, a huge amount of food.

    Vibz dance group performed 3 dances, which once again were absolutely fantastic. It never ceases to amaze me how talented young people are !

    I would like to thank the PTFA for all of their hard work in organising the event and the staff for giving up their time to run stalls.

    It was truly a community event.

    I would also like to thank everyone who made donations, without you we wouldn't have a summer fair.

    At the moment I don't have a final figure for what was raised but I think it will be in excess of £2000, amazing! It was actually £2130!

    Thank you once again for your wonderful support.

    Fantastic news.

    Mrs Allcock's son, Paul, works for Barclays Bank and he put Longmoor Primary School forward to benefit from their match funding charitable programme. Barclays have given the school £1000 towards our PTFA funds. This is wonderful as now the PTFA will be able to pay for more projects around school. We are lucky to have local people who support our school. A huge 'thank you' goes to Barclays Bank.

  • Nursery Seaside Day

    Fri 08 Jul 2016 K. Wilson

    Nursery Seaside Day

    On Thursday the 7th July Nursery had their Wow Day. They have been learning about  how to travel on water and seaside holidays.

    Jolly Jingles (a local entertainer) was invited to spend the day with them.

    They had lots of fun, making sand castles, playing in the paddling pool, catching bubbles, watching the magic and laughing at the traditional Punch and Judy Show.

    A highlight was when the ice-cream van arrived and everyone had a delicious ice-cream - even Mrs Menzies!

    The whole day was wonderful and enjoyed by all.

    We hope all of the children in nursery enjoy their summer holiday just as much.
