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Longmoor Primary School

Lifelong Learners



Homework in Year 6


It is a very good idea to get into the habit of completing homework effectively. This is good preparation for when you go to secondary school as you will have a larger amount of homework from different subjects and teachers to complete. Completing homework will also consolidate what you are learning in lessons too and will reinforce your understanding and knowledge. Homework has now been separated into optional and 'must-do' tasks, to help parents/carers fit homework into busy schedules! Optional: Nando's homework tasks. Mathletics. 'Must-dos'- These are tasks that can be easily slot into daily routines: Spelling practice (either on Spelling Shed or any other way you choose). TimesTable RockStars. Reading to an adult.


 Once a reading book has been completed, a quiz is taken to check understanding and it can be changed. Always aim for 100% on quizzes!




